Dripping Springs, TX 78620
(512) 607-6512
Texas Hill Country Olive Co. Featured Products
The Texas Hill Country Olive Co. is an award-winning producer of extra virgin olive oil and the only certified organic olive orchard in the state. Among its long list of products are a variety of extra virgin olive oils, as well as those made with crushed garlic, jalapeno, and lemon, in addition to inventive and traditional balsamic vinegars. Below are a few of the company’s most popular offerings, which can be sampled or purchased at its facility in Dripping Springs or ordered from its website.
Texas Hill Country Olive Co. Featured Products
Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oils
Sola Stella: The Texas Hill Country Olive Company’s most popular and most-awarded EVOO, Sola Stella’s mild intensity and subtle fruit-and-nut flavor make it the perfect “everyday” oil.
Texas Miller’s Blend: Arbequina & Mission varieties blend to create a bold-flavored EVOO that evokes the tastes of fresh olives and wheat grass. Ideal for topping a salad or dipping a baguette.
Terra Verde: Great as a finishing oil, the Terra Verde derives robust floral flavors from a blend of Arbequina, Mission, and Pendolino olives.
Crushed Flavored Olive Oils
Garlic: Crushed garlic cloves are combined with freshly picked olives to create this unique oil that’s destined to disappear quickly from your pantry shelf.
Jalapeño: Give your dishes a Texas kick with this hot-and-spicy EVOO that’s loaded with fresh jalapeño peppers.
Lemon: Kick your salad up a notch with a shot of this zesty olive oil or pair it with a balsamic for a refreshing dip for bread.
Balsamic Vinegars
Traditional: The company’s best-selling vinegar, this signature balsamic Di Modena Italy works with virtually everything and is as sweet and thick as a traditional recipe should be.
Peach: A white balsamic, Peach Balsamic Vinegar’s fruity sweetness and pairability with both savory and dessert foods make it one of the company’s top-selling products.
Texas Hill Country Olive Company’s products are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information about the current offerings, as well as pricing, please visit the company’s website.
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
(512) 607-6512